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Spring  Semester 2020

Led by Briannisha Sanders and Charlie Carr, this is a Coed Youth CONNECT Group, that will meet once a week, to play a variety of games and activities around Central Louisiana.

(click on image to register)


Led by Delisha Smith, this CONNECT Group will be centered around "OUTREACH." This is a Coed group of all ages, that will visit a host of sites around Central Louisiana once a week, sharing the love of Christ while compassionately meeting the needs of others.

(click on image to register)

Led by Pastor Bryant, this is a Coed  Adult CONNECT Group that is centered around DISCIPLESHIP and empowering the Believer to live the FREE life that Christ intended for them. This group will meet every Monday of the semester from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the ARISE Church fellowship hall.

(Click on image to register)

Led by Pastor Vanessa, this Adult Women CONNECT Group will meet weekly, to walk through a book that has been strategically hand-picked to assist women in maximizing their potential, while fulfilling their God-given assignments.

(click on image to register)

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